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    Learn to drive

    From the first time behind the wheel, to test day – we'll guide you to success.

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    • Driving Lessons - Book Online Today (3)

      75% of pupils passed with 40 hours of lessons or fewer

    • Driving Lessons - Book Online Today (4)

      Over 1 million driving lessons in 2019

    • Driving Lessons - Book Online Today (5)
      Highly rated

      99% of our recently passed pupils would recommend us1

    I'm a new pupil

    Save £4 an hour when you book today

    Save £40 on first 10 lessons

    We offer a range of flexible lesson booking options – tailor-made to suit you.

    And to help you get up and running, we've got great discounts on your first booking (as long as the instructor's participating).

    Sign up now to enjoy:
    • Quality cars: all lessons in a new Ford Fiesta or Focus
    • Dedicated one-to-one tuition: no distracting pickups en route

    Special offer

    • AA Members can get a £6 per hour discount on the first block booking of 6 hours*. Please note membership discount can only be applied before you create an account. Contact us through 'Chat Now' and we will apply your discount and help create your account.* See T&C’s for full terms of the offer.

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    Thanks to James, I passed my driving test 1st time. I would recommend him to anyone.
    Lacey Zabotti – Xx
    About our driving instructors

    When it comes to teaching standards, we don't cut corners. And never will.

    Our driving instructors' code of conduct guarantees your tuition will be delivered by a committed teacher who:

    • uses an AA driver development card to track your progress
    • adapts teaching style to match your needs and preferred pace of learning
    • provides complete one-to-one tuition
    • doesn't smoke, use a mobile phone, or carry other passengers during your lessons

    All of our instructors are fully qualified or have started giving lessons as part of the final stages of their training. You’ll see their pink or green Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) badge displayed in their windscreen to show whether they’re qualified or training.


    What new pupils ask us about

    • The tuition cars
    • Our driving instructors
    • My driving lessons
    • Booking my practical test
    • The test day

    The tuition cars

    Can I have lessons in my own car?

    The first lesson will be in an AA car so that your instructor can assess your ability. The instructor will then decide if you can drive your own car in the lessons.

    Remember though, our tuition cars are fitted with dual controls – providing safety and peace of mind if you're having an off day.

    Can I learn to drive in an automatic car?

    Yes, you can learn to drive in an automatic car. It is generally quicker and easier to learn than a manual, but once you've passed your test you can only drive automatic cars.

    Also, pricing supplements apply to lessons in an automatic car, due to limited availability of these cars and instructors.

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    Our driving instructors

    How do I find an instructor if there isn't one in my local area?

    Instructor availability is updated daily, so do log in and check our website regularly.

    Can I request an instructor who speaks my language?

    A number of our instructors speak more than one language. If you want to know if there is someone nearby who speaks your language, please contact the driving school for more information.

    What happens if I don't get on with my instructor?

    All of our instructors are qualified to the the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) standard, and adhere to a strict AA code of conduct. But it's important that you get on with your instructor, so if you would like to change we can arrange a new one for you subject to availability.

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    My driving lessons

    How many lessons will it take for me to pass my driving test?

    Just as with learning any new skill, each pupil is different and learns at their own pace. Our instructors will strive to get you pass-ready as efficiently as possible. But above all else, it's about putting the person first and delivering a great quality learning experience tailored to your needs.

    How many lessons will it take before I start doing manoeuvres, such as turns in the road, parallel parking and reversing?

    Our instructors introduce new skills and manoeuvres at the most suitable and comfortable pace for your own needs. Introduction to various manoeuvres also depends on the teaching style of the instructor.

    Some instructors will begin to teach new manoeuvres as soon as the opportunity presents itself. For example, finding somewhere to park at the end of the lesson, or turning into a cul-de-sac.

    Other instructors prefer to have their pupils master certain foundation skills first, before introducing them to anything more advanced.

    Can I be picked up and dropped off in different areas?

    You can, but it depends on your instructor. As long as both the pickup and drop off addresses are within your instructor's area, they'll usually be happy to make flexible arrangements.

    You can discuss things like this with your instructor after you've had your first lesson.

    Can I have evening and weekend lessons?

    Yes. Most of our instructors offer lessons in the evening and at weekends, although these are popular times and do get booked up in advance.

    Does the AA offer condensed courses if I want to pass more quickly?

    We can offer condensed intensive driving courses depending on your own availability. They would normally be 6 to 8 hours per week over a number of weeks. Our instructors work with their pupils to create tailored courses.

    Do you offer tuition for scooters or motorbikes?

    Sorry, we don't currently offer scooter or motorcycle tuition.

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    Booking my practical test

    How do I book a practical test?

    You can book your practical test online, but first you need to have passed your theory test.

    How long is a theory test pass valid?

    Your theory test result is valid for 2 years. If you haven't passed your practical test within that period, you will need to sit your theory test again.

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    The test day

    Can I use one of your cars for the practical test if I take lessons with you as well?

    Yes, you certainly can. Usually, you'll have a driving lesson just before your practical test and then drive to the test centre. Your driving instructor will normally wait in the test centre (fingers firmly crossed) while you complete your test.

    Overall, the 'test day session' with your instructor will be 2–3 hours in total – with the lesson beforehand, followed by the test itself.

    I've heard that test examiners fail every other test they do – is that true?

    Myths about driving examiners abound – and this is one of them. It is not true. If you are worried about your practical examination, talk to your driving instructor about how the test works, and what you may be asked to do on your route.

    What are considered as dangerous and serious driving faults (or 'major' faults) on your practical driving test?

    During a test you're allowed up to 15 driving faults (often referred to as minors) in order to pass a test. A major fault occurs when the examiner deems it necessary to intervene in some way due to concerns over the safety of the driver, surrounding vehicles or pedestrians. Any major fault automatically incurs a failed test.

    What is a major fault for failing?

    There will always be some element of judgement on the part of the examiner when making assessments. But here's an example scenario that can give an idea of the difference between a major and minor fault.

    Imagine turning left from a major road into a minor road, and the rear wheel bumps on to the kerb on the way round. This would be a driving fault (also known as a minor fault), and not necessarily a fail.

    Imagine that same scenario, but the front wheel bumps up onto the kerb followed by the rear wheel. This would be a serious fault, and therefore a fail. If a pedestrian is waiting to cross the road and they are forced to move out of the way, then this too would be a dangerous fault and a fail.

    Rest assured, our instructors will teach you how to prepare for these potential hazards.

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    What you'll learn

    We'll set you up with the skills and know-how you need to hit the open road like a pro.

    Our lesson plans are designed to flex around your individual needs and set to a pace that suits you. But you can expect to cover off all the essentials required to get you raring to go on test day, including how to safely and confidently:

    • carry out a car co*ckpit drill
    • meet traffic, approach junctions and tackle roundabouts
    • do parallel and reverse bay parking
    • turn in the road and reverse around a corner
    • drive on different types of roads, including dual carriageways
    • do an emergency stop
    About our tuition cars

    Worried about what kind of car will turn up on day one? You needn't be.

    All our lessons are delivered in a new Ford Focus or Ford Fiesta.

    Both models have plenty of leg and headroom, and have a 5-star Euro NCAP safety rating (that's the European New Car Assessment Programme, which is good to know). Other standard features include:

    • dual controls
    • power steering
    • air conditioning
    • pollen filter
    • heated door mirrors with electric adjustment
    • quick-clear heated front and rear windscreens
    • driver and passenger airbags
    • seat height adjuster
    • electronic stability system (ESP)
    Good to know

    1 Survey of AA Driving School pupils who passed their test in 2018.

    2 This Member offer can't be used with another offer or discount, unless the other offer or discount states that it can.

    * Driving lessons with AA Driving School come with terms and conditions. Please do read them before buying your lessons.

    More from The AA Driving School
    • Driving lessons
    • Automatic driving lessons
    • Female driving instructors
    • Find driving instructor locations
    • Disabled driving lessons
    • Intensive driving lessons
    • Refresher driving lessons
    • Pass Plus
    • Motorway driving lessons
  • Driving Lessons - Book Online Today (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Manual Maggio

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5817

    Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

    Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Manual Maggio

    Birthday: 1998-01-20

    Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

    Phone: +577037762465

    Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

    Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

    Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.