The San Antonio Daily Express (2024)

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Free Band Concerts
and His Stock Comoany in
Lost in Boston
PRICES 10c. 20c. 30c and 50c.
Subscribers Notice
Wherever you may go
to spend your summer
outing you need THE
posted on current events.
Paper forwarded from
place to place as often as
When ordering address
changed, please give old
as well as new address.
Employe of City Made Grnesome
Find in Slream Near Wash-
ington Street Thursday.
Barristers Express the Opinion
That the Amount of Litigation
Would Justify a Change.
Publisher's Notice.
Subscribers and advertisers will please
take notice the only authorized col-
lectors for Tli'' Express In San Antonio
are F. W. Patton, Edward Green, A. Sien
and J. Riggs.

—CLARKE Printing Co.. £13 Houston
St., San Antonio. Neat! Quick! Cheap!
—Ladies' orchestra every night at
—Max Becker, former Secretary of the
Police and Fire Commission, leaves to-
day for Bisbee, Ariz., where he intends
—Baked spring chicken at Scheuer-
—Rt. Rev. J. A. Forest. D. D., Bishop
of San Antonio, who left last week on
a visit to Mexico, has appointed the
Rev. A. Heuchemer of this city to be
vicar-general in curia and administra-
tor for the diocese during his absence.
—Musk' every night at Scheuermeyer's.
—Baked spring duck at Scheuermeyer's.
—Baked spring goose at Scheuermeyer's.
—Baked stuffed squabs at Scheuer-
A runaway horse which had broken
loose from the buggy was caught by Of-
ficer Mitchell on Main Avenue at 3:25
yesterday. The owner could not be
—Hacks ready always—Jack Stotts'.
—Repairs were made yesterday on the
asphalt paving on Navarro Street be-
tween Commerce Street and the Mill
—Shipment of JJuyler s Candy just re-
ceived at Wagner's .Drug Store.
Evidences of murder committed two
weeks or/a month ago were disclosed in
the river Thursday morning by Rodriga
Navaira, an employe of River Commis-
sioner Huntress' department. Navaira
hi ought to the surface from the bottom
of the river what seemed to be a paste-
board shirt box containing an infant's
body. So badly decomposed was the
body that only one of the lower limbs
and a portion of the trunk could be
brought to shore by Navaira. The find
was made near Washington Street.
These portions of the body he placed
in a boat awaiting the arrival of Com-
missioner Huntress. As Navaira did not
find nim Thursday, he placed his grue-
some find on the river bank for the
night and yesterday morning notified
Mr. Huntress, who in turn notified Jus-
tice Fisk and Constable Stevens.
1 he latter two viewed the remain-
ing portions of the body yesterday morn-
ing, and it was necessary to immediately
order an interment. This was done on
the river bank near the crossing of
Aransas Street.
It was stated by the officers that the
body was that of a young white child.
They expressed the belief that the body
lain in the water two weeks or pos-
sibly a month.
There is absolutely no clue to the mys-
tery. the officers being without means
bring about a solution of the case

Lentz tailored
Time again is here. If you have not a crop to harvest,
it is your good fortune, however, to enjoy a harvest
evary day from The Express' wants. Tomorrow's wants
will tell you about many opportunities. Read them all.
Lieutenant Pinkston Establishes
Station Here and Says Texas
Is Productive Field.
means perfection.
The Thomas School for Girls.
Best advantages. Reasonable rates.
Wants to Be Member of State Denv
ocratic Executive Committee.
Tho friends of Wm. A. Morris of this
city ar- advocating him for member of
Democratic Kxecutlve Com
How John W. Warren Was Worried
By an Innocent Little
the State
mittee to fill the position hit vacant
the death of Jot Gunter vacant
Last summ.-r at the State Democrat!
^ ' Davi* was elect.
Executive Com
mlttee fr:>m the Twenty-fourth Senat
AY hen Governor Campbell
i, , - Parker as Superintendent
of the Southwestern Insane
however, he off, red Mr. Davis
the board. Mr. Davi-
fer, and consequ* ntly
for him to resign a.s
Democratic Executive
member of
ial District
appointed Dr.
C. L. Bass,
seat on
accepted the
it was necessary
• inembf r of th".
v- chairman of the Countv
Executive Committee, when asked wh
would probably be appointed to fill the
U,P death uI **
candidate for the "place'Jh/ui \V."a ,Pr
rL;n1 h<" aPP* !(i's to be as sironc
candidate as any one that
could be
Dr. Frank A. Barber, Dentist.
Fifth floor, Moore Bldg. Both
on Ju
Will Return to San Antonio
ly 30.
Senator J. W. Bailey as he swung: into
ins cab at the Menger Hotel last ni^ht
on his way to the station to take his
train for the North, said to an Fv
press reporter that h,- will return to the
Southwest „n .Inly .M to attend the hl£
Aug Tan'} on July "31*
Senator Bailey will not fill any enzaire
mftnts for a few davs desirinc- ,\f
quiet for a brief poi i,*h He*^ Z'n
take the stump again, probably fillintr
a,ll engagements after July ms
i rof, Mark Lemmnn of Sherman ,vi,„
was tn the elty in ,H U'.n,l«n ° unon M
Gunter s .funeral returned to North
night in company with
Senat or.
Dr. W. Robbie, Specialist.
ib?o1philis' Genlto-urinary and Rectal
diseases. 209 Alamo Plaza. "ectal
Sent to San Antonio by Boerne Busi-
ness Men's Club.
The Business Men'u club |g )n receipt
of some fine specimens of ear corn from
Club. The
the finest
the Boerne Business Men's
corn is white and js am on,
ever seen in this section.
th»t lrCJ«! acco.niI1an>rl"g the corn said
that it w,is taken at random from •.
large field near Boerne.
Traveling Men, Attention.
When you are through reading this na
Per on the train, throw it out to the
first gang of section men you pass so
n nnd " They wH°
Mass Meeting.
The qualified voters of the DroDosed
Improvement Distric t No. 12, which com-
,.rites th,, parts of Wards No 2 and 1
on the east by Medina Street'
Commerce on that street west
Marcos, thence north on San
extending .east and
and Chavez, on the
10 West
to San
Marcos to the alley
west between Zavalla
tic rth by
rue, on
nue and
the said alley to Hamilton Ave-
the west by Hamilton Ave-
011 the south by San Fernando
btreet, are requested to attend a mass
meeting at Wilkinson's store at the cor-
ner of West Commerce and Pinto Streets
Saturday July 20. 1907. at 8:30 o'clock
p. in,, when the question will he submit-
let, to determine if the Honorable Mayor
>r.d ( ,t.v Council shall he petitioned' to
call an election t.i vote bonds for sewers
01 street Improvement. All persons re-
slolng or owning real estate In said
boundaries are invited to be present
Club °rd<,r "f pr0hp,'c't jii" Improvement
^vOODS, President.
By R. G. Callahan.
John W. Warren, the Junior member
Of the firm of Coffman & Warren, has
written the advertising manager of The
Daily Express a letter detailing a long
string of troubles over an ad that was
inserted in the want columns yesterday.
Mr. Warren is ordinarily a mild tempered
gentleman and is noted among his friends
for the peacefulness of his nature, but
the "worm will turn" when crowded too
close and Air. Warren lias been backed
into a corner. As an evidence of fair
play The Express is going to let the
public know just how Mr. Warren feels
about the matter and publishes below the
full text of his very warm epistle:
••Advertising Manager, The Daily Ex-
press, City:
"Dear Sir- Yesterday afternoon I left
copy for an 'ad' to be Inserted in your
paper and paid for ten consecutive in-
sertions to begin with today's issue.
I no ad was in substance that 1 had
two horses for sale, describing them, et< .
Between 5 and fi o'clock this morning mv
phone rang and I hustled out of lied to
find someone wanting further informa-
tion . about those horses.
Before breakfast the cook announced
a man at the back gate wanting to sec
'Dem ii osses.' In the meantime th<-
phone rang again before 1 could get a
Into to cat—then two gentlemen drove-
up wanting to try the horses; before we
could hitch up another man came i>u
toot, but it is too long a story to re-
count ail the calls and troubles resulting
from this -ad.' Suffice It to say I sold
the horses before coming to town tins
morning and on my arrival at the office
found one party waiting and several bad
phoned about those horses; at noon
my wife notified me of several other in-
quiries about those horses. Now, will
you kindly cut this 'ad' out of vour
paper at once -do it now—don't let it
appear again -the horses are sold ; would
be glad for you to use un part of the
space I paid for, telling the reading pub-
lic I have no more horses for sale-
then perhaps I can slc-p until breakfast
is ready anil get to attend to some
other matters of business tomorrow.
Trusting you will comply promptly with
above request for mv relief. I ,-un
lours truly, JOHN W. WARREN."
Dr. John V. Spring.
Eye, Ear. Nose. Throat. Moore Blug.
Dr. J. P. Oldham. 323 W. Commerce St.

On account of increased business in the
local District Courts a number of at-
torneys favor the opening of the terms
at an earlier day. According to the pres-
ent calendar the year's business in these
courts will begin on the first Monday in
October. Up to that time there will be
practically nothing doin^.
In the Forty-fifth and Fifty-seventh
Courts the terms are identical. The cal-
endars for all three courts may be found
45th and 57th Districts.
October term, 1907, begins on first Mon-
day in October and lasts eight weeks.
Last day of service, September 26. Term
commences October 7. Term ends Novem-
ber 30.
December term, 1907, begins on first
"Monday in December and lasts nine
weeks. Last day of service November
21. Term commences December 2. Term
ends February 1.
February term, 1908, begins on first
Monday in February and lasts nine
weeks. Last day of service January 2.'!.
Perm commences February 23. Term
ends April 4.
April term, 190,S. begins on first Monday
in April and lasts eight weeks. Uis't
day of service March 2»'. Term com-
mences April tl. Term ends May .30.
June term, 190S. begins on first Mon-
day in June and lasts live weeks. Last
ilay oi service May 21. firm commences
June 1. Term ends July 4
37th District.
October term, 1907, begins' on first Mon-
day in October and lasts five weeks. East
day of service September 26. Term com-
mences October 7. Term ends Novem-
ber 2.
November term, 1907, begins on first
Monday in November and lasts nine
weeks. Last day of service October 21.
Term commences November 1. Term
ends January 4.
January term, 190$, begins on first Mon-
day in January and lasts five weeks.
Last day of service December 2«». Term
commences January 6. Term ends Feb-
ruary 29.
March term, 190S, begins on first Mon-
day in March and lasts nine weeks.
East day of service February 20. Term
commences March 2. Term eiids May 2.
May term, 190S, begins on first Mon-
day in May and lasts nin< weeks. Last
day of service April 23. Term commences
May -1. Term ends July 4.
This Is General Opinion Concern-
ing Five Million Club Conven=
tion at El Paso.
After Lapse of Six Years San An* £
tonio Will Be Represented in
Hie State Troops.
Deeds Filed.
Real estate transfers filed for record
Friday at the County Clerk's office were
s follows:
John 10. Laustaunau and Paul Ber-
geron to Fred Schaefer. June X, 1907, deed
to lots 1 and 2 in block 14, city block
• 14. Sylvan Park; $150.
Conception de and Crisoforo Garcia t >
Pedro R. Nuncio, Feb. 27, 1907, deed to
>ts 11 and 12 on Third Street and lot
6 on Second Street, in block 49, in the
town of Elmendorf; $30.
Axel Meerscheidt and C. A. Stieren to
Emil Ruseh, July 10. 1907, deed to lot 1
in new city block 2273, on Zavala and
North San Jacinto Streets;
City of San Antonio to C. J. Epp, July
13, 1907, deed to south half of lot 28 in
section 3. City Cemetery No. ♦»; $25.
R. F. Pipes to John Webb, July 3. 190"
deed to lot 2 in block 18, new city block
[><•1?; $55.
Andrew 10wen and wife to Mrs. Elinore
Czerniski. July 16, 1907. deed to lots
50, 51 and 52 in block 11, South Heights;
Sebastian Trevino and wife to T. H.
Marberry, July 1. 1907, deed to lot 1. in
ity block 339, on corner Buena Vista
Street and South Santa Rosa Avenue;
A. Klappenbach and wife to Lelia L.
Roach, July 15. 1907, deed to lot 2 in block
new city block 296K, f>n Cedar Street;
A. Klappenbach and wife to William
. Roaci.. July 15, 1907, deed to lot 1 in
block 3, new city block 2968, on corner
of Stieren and Cedar Streets; $750.
Complete abstracts of title to any land
in San Antonio or Bexar County, or
West Texas, made by Texas Title Co.
Building Permits.
Bexar County, interior alterations
Court House; $9,500.
Dr. Chas. D. Dixon, Hicks Bldq.
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Lungs.
Arrive Norfolk 7:30 Nevt Day.
without changing cars by leaving Ft.
Louis S;44 a. m.. over Pennsylvania Short
Line via Columbus and N. \V. Ry.
daily after July 14. Low fares Call on
or write Baird, 122 Alamo Plaza, San
Forty-Fifth District Court.
Frederick Rumpf et al. vs. S. S. Charles
et al., damages $1000 and 0 per cent in-
terest for alleged failure to pay rent on
property situated about twelve miles
from city.
Probate Court.
Estate of Robert Murphy, minor;
guardian authorized to purchase horse.
Community estate Albert F. Warnoek,
deceased, and Lila G. Warnoek. survivor;
W. O. Shands, B. P. Darnell and Paul
Meerscheidt appointed appraisers.
Estate Mary A. Campbell, deceased.
M. F. Campbell appointed administrator,
bond $2(MiO. R. L. Edwards, Wm. Stone
and Samuel Belden appraisers.
Estate Lee Patrick, deceased; applica-
tion to be released from bond granted.
Community survivor ordered to file new
bond in twenty days.
Justice Ben Fisk's Court.
Charles F. Parnham and J. J. Jourdan,
charge sodomy, waived examination;
bond placed at $1000 each. Both remanded
to jail.
Max Weyrich, charge assault to mur-
der, waived examination; bond $500.
Fiank Ferguson, charge making threat,
guilty; peace bond fixed at $200.
Frank Ferguson, charge abusive lang-
uage, jury did not agree.
Police Court.
McCana, charge
The belief seems to be general that San
Antonio should be well represented at th<
convention of the Five Million Club to be
held at El Paso on August 16 and 17 and
such being the case, it is altogether
probable that the Alamo City will be
Well represented.
The members of the committee ap-
pointed by President Nat M. Washer of
the Business Men's Club at the instance
of General Manager George L. Rockwell
of the Five Million Club to represent
San Antonio at this grand rally of the
business interests of Texas, seem to be a
little doubtful as to the nature of the
duties entailed upon them by this desig-
nation. All, however, even those who
entertain doubts as to their ability to at-
tend, appear to be impressed with the
desirability of such a convention and
agree that it will be productive of much
population increase
F. Wisner and John
affray, fined $10 cadi.
11. L. Leuther, John
Wilkie, charge affray.
Wilkie and
Marriage Licenses.
A marriage
County Clerk
license was issued bv the
KrirlHy to Santiago Rodri-
guez and Santos Cardenas.
Birth Record.
Daughter to Mr.
Richardson, 311
ind Mrs. Ed-
East Macon
J. W. Jud-
ward 1
July 17 S'in to Mr. and Mrs
son. Mil Burnett Street.
July 11 Daughter to Mr. and
Henry Clemens, 410 Lavaca Street.
Burial Permits.
Mrs. Franclsca Mendoza. age 39 years
214 San Patrico Alley; lagrippe.
Mrs. Felicidad Sandoval, age 44 years,
alley back of El Paso Street; acute
Jot Gunter, age 62 years, 805 Mistletoe
Avenue; hemorrhage of brain.
good as far
in the Lone Star State is concerned It
is expected that many San Antonfans
besides the members of the committee
will attend and it is believed that this
number will he larger perhaps than
otherwise, owing to assurance, in ad-
vices received from El Paso, that Secre-
tary of the Interior Garfield will visit
that city during the convention.
As yet the members of the committee
have not been notified by Mr. Rockwell
either of their respective appointments
or as to the duties . xpeeted of them and
consequently they have very little to
say- concerning the matter save that the
enterprise is most commendable and can-
not be other than prolific of much good
to the State. W. F. Woods is unwilling
to make a statement regarding the mat-
ter until h" is cognizant of the details,
knowing nothing of the matter save that
he noted the head lines ,»f the article in
yesterday's Issue. N. S. Graham was
also unfamllliar with the plans for the
convention and did not believe that he
would be able to attend. He expressed
himself, however, as being wholly in ac-
cord with the action of the Five Million
Club and believed that the club will do
much for Texas by promoting immigra-
tion to th" State. J. W. Mudge says
that he has not yet been notified of his
appointment as a committeeman and has
i;"t given tiie matter much thought but
that h" thinks the convention idea a
good "lie and believes that the Five .Mil-
lion Club will do much good for Texas.
Nat M. Washer is of the opinion that
San Antonio should be well represented
at the convention. He says that the
Five Million Club's project should be en-
couraged and that Texas has already
reaped many benefits from the work of
the club. He says that there has been
a belief on the part of some that there
existed ;i "graft" for s >m'e one in the
Five Million Club boom but he is confi-
dent that this is not th* case. He says
that be is one of the directors of the
club and, .as such, is not < ognizant of the
e\istance of any "graft" whatsoever.
San Antonio being an important factor
in the commercial enterprises of th"
State, according to Mr. Washer, should
figure prominently in all undertakings
of the club and the citizens should give
tho club their hearty support. In saying
this M?. Washer wishes it clearly under-
stood that he is speaking merely from a
personal standpoint and not as president
of the Business Men's Club as the Five
Million Club matter has never been dis-
cussed by that organization.
Mothers—To give every child in San
Antonio a chance to see that wonder,
Johnnie Busch. Admission to children
at the Lyric Airdome will be only 10
After a laps1 of approximately six
years, during which time the young men
of San Antoaio have taken no interest
in National Guard matters, interest has
again been aroused with the lesult that
a meeting is to be held for the or-
ganization of a local company. This
meeting will bo held in the Red Men's
Hall, 011 Soledad Street, thi-s evening at
S o'clock.
For several weeks, trained men, many
of whom served through a part ol* the
Cuban campaign, havo been working
among tl,e young men of the city with
i; view of organizing a company of
National Guar 1. Their work met
with great success, and, as a result, be-
tween 10O and 200 young men are "\-
rectcd to attend the meeting Saturday
■ veiling. The leaders say that the entire
proposition of organizing a company will
organization wilt
largest city
iry company
much discussion
There are un-
s brave you
be found in any
on Tuesday and Wednesday even-
Music Every Afternoon and Night.
Practical and Complete Plans.
H. L. Scott Co., Architects & Builders.
Kight Right Side Up.
A message was received at the Busi-
ness Men's Club yesterday from Secre-
tary Kight, who was at Danville, Pa. It
would appear, therefore, that he is still
in the land of the living although grave
fears were beginning to be entertained
by some of the members of the club for
the secretary's safety.

Drs. Kingsley and Davis.
Dr. B. F. Kingsley. surgical, abdominal
and woman's diseases. Irr. Joe Dyr.r
La\ is—general practice. Kicks Building.
A Loop Trip via Jamestown.
More than 100 have written for informa
tion concerning the trip under direction
2f MV £ ,,E- Ha£rJSOn of s»n Antonio
Female College. The party will be lim-
ited 10 40. Ladies wishing to have the
benefit of Mr. Harrison's experience in
sight seeing at small cost, would do well
to secure place at once in the party. Spe-
cial sleeper will leave San Antonio 10 .30
p. m.. August 9th, via Southern Pacific
to New Orleans, thence Queen & Crescent
Route. Entire cost of trip from San An-
tonion $12...00. Remit by check or money
order to J. E. Harrison. San Antonio.
This office will be closed
at 3 p. m. (excepting Satur-
days) from July 21st to Sept.
1st, 1907.
xplained and that
begin at once.
That San Antonio,
in the State, lias no
has been a subjc« t if
for th" last three year-
(•oubtedly scores of ;
men in the city as can
city in the country, but they apear
have taken no interest in military affairs
for the las! few years. Now, however,
their patriotism appears to have been
aroused and they will undoubtediv
have ;i well equipped and thorough!*'-
drilled company before another year
1 passes.
Fifteen years ago San Antonio had two
fit the best military organizations in
the State. Th-y were the Pelknap
RI lies. »t' which Robert Green was cap-
tain for manv wars, and the San An-
tonio Rifles, of which Frank Badger
was captain. Moth companies won hon-
ors, and tho Belknai) Rifles was con-
sidered one of the best organization?
in tho South, lu.ving won honors or
nearly evt ry occasion
The San Antonio Rif. was com posed
inainlv of ths older men, from twenty-
thrce to thirty years -»f age, while the
Pelknap* w re young r. After several
Iv.ars >|" existence, the San Antonio
Rifles li-bau lei. and manv of the Be.k-
naps held ihe field.
\\ hen the Span!? h-Amerl- a 11 war broke
< at the Belkriao Rifles volunteered for
service. They wer? sent to Tampa, Fla..
^'1 ' " they w.'iv stationed, for several
month*, and fin illy went to Cuba. In
Cuba, However, they did not fight, but
u 1 re only use] for garrison purposes
•rid consequently their life jn island
grew very monotonous.
Only a short time after the Belknaps
returned to the United States thev dis-
banded Mid no interest has been taken
i" the company since. A prominent
member of tho organization, when asked
win th? organisation broke up s-mYI
"When the company first organiser'
it v.,is compos * l almost exclusively of
young men of the best tamilies, art'
they had a good time on every occasion
When the war brok* out. they vohri-
' - d thinkirg they would be sent to
trout and would be treated with a
more consideration than regular
But l he fact was that they
ited. nueh worse than expected,
thev returned home all wei>
When th • State Militia was
th? National Guards it g >♦
lit l lr
were t )•«
and wh
taken into
to be
proposition of hard work, jest
the same is that require,1 ,»f the regu-
ofr n •' ' ^'luci'lv they wanted none-
First Lieut. Lovick p. Pinkston of the
United States Marine Corps, now de-
tached on recruiting service, was in San
Antonio yesterday and arranged for the
opening. 011 Aug. 1, of a marine recruit-
ing station in this city. The station will
be in rooms 1 and 2 of the Henry Terrell
1 building, 210 Avenue I), and will be under
immediate supervision of Second
ut.. J. R. Horton.
Lieut. Pinkston is in charge of a re-
cruiting detail of three officers and ten
men. They have been in Texas since
January and during that time they have
enlisted approximately 250 men in the
service. Altogether they received Iikm)
applications for information, 487 of which
were rejected, while approximated 900 ap-
plied for information and did not enlist.
Lieutenant Pinkston's record in enlist-
ing men since being in Texas lias broken
all the records for the year in the Naval
Department .the next highest being far
down the lino.
It was during the early summer of I90tf
that Lieutenant Pinkston was detailed
011 recruiting service in charge of a party
ot ten men and three officers. His sta-
tions were to be principally in the North
and a lew cities of the Southern States. 1
Shortly after being detailed on tills serv-
ice. however, the Lieutenant asked the
Marine Department to send him to Texas
He explained that Texas was his native
State and that he was sure many were |
willing to enlist in the Marine Corps 1
from this State. At first his superiors
would hardly listen to him. They said
that Texas was too far away from the
center of action and it would cost too
much money to get the men transported
Besides this, they did not believe that
lexas recruiting stations wjould bear
Lieutenant Pinkston did not give up
however. Instead he got the railroads to
make a special rate 011 marine recruits
and with this and several weeks of work-
ing the wares he won his victory and was
sent to Texas. Since being here his work
has been so fruitful that the department
has commended him several times.
When the recruiting station opens here
ii will remain for possibly three months
as the officers want to gor manv voung
men into th.- marine service. In Hous-
ton they enlisted the son of ex-Governor
Hogg and several other prominent young
men, who enlisted because they want to
see the world.
Two of the four years of enlistment are
spent on land and two on sea but ap-
proximately three years of the entire
time ale spent either in foreign lands or
on foreign waters.
one of the main features that is induc-
ing young men to enlist now is the fact
that the ne'w recruits are sent at once
to Norfolk and are kept there as long as
two weeks, during which time they see
the Exposition.
Lieutenant Pinkston left for Houston
last night. State headquarters for the
recruiting station are in that city.
Company K of El Paso Goes to En-
Company K, Fourth Infantry, Texas
National Guard, arrived in this city yes-
terday morning from El Paso, and after
spending several hours here, left for
Camp Mabr.v, where the company is to
attend the State encampment. '
Lieut. George O. Sweeney is in com-
mand of the company until Camp Mabry
is reached, as Maj. Joseph U. Sweeney
of El Paso, who is Captain, was unable
to accompany his men. At Camp Mabr
a company commander will be appointed
to serve during the encampment.
Officers accompanying Company K are
Maj. N. Lapowski, Fourth. Texas In-
fantry: Lieut. G. J. Dwyer, Battalion
Adjutant; Lieut. G. O. Sweeney, Bat-
talion Quartermaster.
"it never
rains in texas"
Has been proved to
be a misnomer.
Texas is all right--so
are our
Wo carry in stork a complete as-
sortment of both ladles' and gen-
tlemen's fine Silk Umbrellas. All
guaranteed silk on steel paragon
If You Would
Cane a friend
with one, we can
decide to walk
please the most
Anil (iood Jewelry Asso- .7
fluted 17% l eiirtt
The Stay
at Homes
Can hire special horses and vehicles
from us by the week or month at spe-
cial prices. The rig at your command
and sent wherever ordered. Reliable
horses and rubber tired vehicles.
Coolest, best ventilated stable in the
South. Boarding horses a specialty.
231-233 S. Flores St.
Tela. 212
1 C E
Delivered In any quantity,
shipments our specialty.
C. | M.
City Official Says Officer Is "One of
the People
Brig. Gen. Albert L. Myer, commander
of the Department of Texas, was
visitor at the City Hall yesterday and
paid his respects to the Mayor. General
Myer was accompanied by E. If. Coombs
Dr. W. A. King, Gcnito-Urlnary.
Skin and Rectal Diseases. Moore Bldg.
"LIVE T~ *
: LAND."
Dr. Rose T. Stern, Osteopath.
328 Moore Building. New Jihona lfiss.
Commissioners Court Arrange for
Next Year's Supplies.
At a meeting of the Commissioners
Court Thursday evening, contracts were
awarded for the furnishing of supplies
to Rexar County during the ensuing
year. Local firms have secured these
contracts and arc to deliver supplies to
the county as needed or called for.
Schwartz & Cohen are awarded the
contract for supplying groceries; Dal-
kowitz Bros, secured the contract for
dry goods supplies; Maverick Clarke
Company will furnish office supplies and
printed blanks; the Remington Type-
writer Company, typewriter supplies;
Artesian Ice Company, ice at the county
institutions; Ed Steves & Sons, lumber;
John W. Kleck. mattresses and pillows;
Carr Wood and Coal Company, Lytle
coal; Mission Wood and Coal Company,
McAlestcr coal; Alamo Cement Company,
lime, cement and sand; F. A. Chapa,
The Alamo Iron Works was awarded
the contract for the erection of a water
tank on top of the Court House.
On the whole the county has made ex-
■ « llent contracts, all supplies being de-
livered at a low and reasonable figure.
WANTED—Every child (old and young)
in San Antonio to see Johnnie Busch, the
youngest comedian In the world. This
week at the Airdome.

Dr Co,***. t>*ntist, old phone. Hicks Bldg.
Quartered at Academy of "Our
Lady of the Lake."
I her3 ;\r? now at the Academy of
Our Lady of the Lake, the mothei-
house of the rider, nearly 1'HO Sisters
of r ivine Providence, who have gath-
ered here from the various academies
wl schools 'or.ducterl by tlr- order in
iexas, i.ouisiana, Oklahoma and Indian
I erntory, to prepare lor the work of
the coming year.
A feature of ibe normal is a prries of
lectuies or: virions subjects, delivered
fiorn .im ' to time by prominent ediK-a-
Professional men and ppeefaliVts
Among those Wh0 i,:lv,, ie<aurcd this
season were Professor Henderson Vi«-
rp°r T^Sc,\0/)1'' for th" I niversi'tv of
Texas; Dr. M. J. Bliem of r, Antonio
ar.d Judge R D. Tarlt..., of Iheiaw
racuity, I niversity of Texas.
BF SU/!E t0 come t0 lhe Airdome this
week and see Archer & Rover, the areat
acrobatic German comedians 1 9
Just from Europe and It
to see them. 10 cents
They are
will be a treat
Property Holders Summoned.
Tltr- County Hoard of Rqualization was
occupied a vain yesterday with a number
of small assessments. Much work was
comp'eted during the clay, 1, ]„ 8nl,,
thai a large number of property owners
including several corporations have been
summoned to appear before the board
within a few days.
Is on sale in New York City at the As-
tor House, at No. 1 Park Row and at
the corner of Broadway and Tairty-
eighth Stnwl
Alpacas and feather-weight worsted at
Pancoast & Kohler's.
Expert watch repairing. Hertzberg'a.
of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail-
The visit lasted for half an hour. Fol-
lowing the General's visit the Mayor
paid a tribute to General Myer whom he
characterized as "one of the people."
Army Notes.
Col. R. It. Stevens, Chief Quarter
master of the Department of Texas, has
asked the Government to give him some
perch and trout from the fisheries at San
Mat Marcos with which to stock the
reservoirs in the quadrangle.
Second Lieut. James G. Mellroy, Ninth
Infantry, hns been ordered to Leon
Springs for duty during the Southwestern

will return today
Waco, is at
Rev. F. II. Watkins
from Palacios.
W. T. Watt, n bar ker of
the Southern Hotel.
W. B. Odom, a business man of Hondo,
is at tho Bexar Hotel.
N. W. Grismore and wife of Waco are
at the New Maverick Hotel.
It. B. Killouga, Insurance man of
Waco, is at the Menger Hotel.
J. R. Hamilton, a sheepman of San
Angelo, Is at the Southern Hotel.
N. M. Berazaluce, lawyer of Monte-
rey, Mex., is at the Elite Hotel.
C. B. Dorchester and Cecil Smith of
Sherman are at the Menger Hotel.
F. B. Weeks, a business man of Hous-
ton, is at the New Mavericic Hotel.
Gustav Raetzsch, stockman and di-
rector of the Sahinal Bank, is in the city
on a frhort visit.
R. Aydiott and family of San An-
tonio are spending a few weeks at Center
Point, having gone there from Corpus
u. s.
fsisp@€f@d and Passed
The above on fresh meats, hams,
bacon and lard denote that they are
the only slaughtering establishment In
San Antonio that is under the rules
and regulations of the U. S. DE-
Bureau of Animal Industry.
If you want the GOOD KIND, use
these. If you don't care, "use the
other kind."
Mexico; George Stoner, F. Benton, Vic-
At the Bexar: J. G.
Mrs. V. V. Whit© and
la.; C. H. Miller,
Schwartz, Shiivr; Sarn
Drown, Dallas;
son, Amite City,
1 lalletsville; S.
Haas and wife.
G. H. Knaggs of Cotulla County, Clerk
of LaSaile County, is at the Southern
David J.
Ala., is
Powell of Mont-
gucst of his son,
At the New Maverick: W. W (iris-
more and wife, Waco; F. R. Weeks,
Houston; II N. Garrett, W. T. Biggs
A i ,.J,' M'1c'ke>'. Denver; Mnllorv
Matlock, Cairo .ill., IV w. Eble and wife.
Seguln, Adolph Bold'. Houston; Frank
Ward. «. P. Primer, Fort Worth; J. K.
Hutton. Galveston; R. E. Wvlie. Con-
nersvillo; I.ouls Schmidt., Wm. F.ngel-
hard, Mafon; W. A. Ferry, W. B. Stark,
Louisiana; W. H. RatlUf, Dallas; W. A.
Hansle.v. Port Arthur.John lloeny, Dai-
las. Charles Aspbas, Beloit, Wis!: Wil-
liam Green, Shiner; J. S. Dumpelles.
1 l.t no; F. Z. P.'ishop, Dallas; Donita
Demerse, Birow r sville; W. B. Adam,
Hondo; Mrs. J. W. Ho it and daughter,
Minneapolis; Emery Hercules Thomp-
son. Palestine; H. D. McGehee, New
Orleans; John R. Beasl -y. Meeville; C. R.
Caen. J. N. Caen, New *'ork; J. C. Hen-
derson, Lake Charles, La.; Mrs. T. V.
I' arlson. Miss Etta Pearlson, Merkel;
Lie. Antonio Flores. Monterey, Mex ;
J. N*. Houston, Austin; J. ii. Logan, Fort
Worth; Dr. J. H. Fletcher, Hondo; 11. F.
V\ ils m and w ife, Seguln; II. L. KelJey,
At the Southern: Dr. J. M. Pidley,
Nashville, Tenn.; < ieorge Allen and fam-
ily. Pleasant on; Mrs. West, Miss West,
Floresville; Vernon Mclntyre. Mrs. W. J.
Me In tyre and children. Austin; W. L.
Wright, Floresville; F. C. Weinert, B. H.
Edwards, Nixon; W. L. Crawford, Dil-
ley; Jas. Breeding and son, Eneinal; J.
P. Fitzgerald. Durango, Mex.; H. C. Wy-
lie and family, Ballinger; Mrs. W. V.
Wylie and family. Miss Edna Brillhart,
Abilene; J. E. Fancher and family, Ballin-
ger; F. N. Corney, San Francisco; O. O.
Willett and family. Galveston; J. F. Abel
and wife, Martindale; Mrs. W. B. Taylor,
Miss Lora Taylor. Pearsall; John Hutton
and family, Del Rio; Miss Mary Russell.
George Russell, Cotulla; W. F. Hockert
and wife; Kansas City, Mo.
At the Menger: E. S. Marshall, St.
Louis; w. I> Drake, Austin; J. B.
MoCatin, Beaumont; B. 1). Kenedy, Troy,
Mo.; E. T. Orthwein, St. Louis; Frank
Winhman and family, Chicago, III.;
O. Ellis Jr., Lockhart; R. J. Sehlacks,
Lockhart; W. A. Bawn, St. I>ouis; R. B.
Klllough, Waco; F. W. Reed, I>is An-
geles, Cal.; E. W. Richardson, Boston.
Mass.; W. P. Tobin. Chicago; Jesse C.
Clarke, Richmond. Va.; C. B. Dorches-
ter, Sherman; Cecil Smith, Sherman; Ed-
ward Gray, Dallas; W. C. Ma tore, Green-
ville; J no. N. Drammond Jr., St. Louis;
E. Newman, Boston. Mass.; J. L. Price,
Fort worth; J. <». Reeves, Fort Worth;
Geo. II. Campbell, St. Louis; Chas. J.
Pickler. I^ouisyille, Ky.; A. S. Carrigan,
New York; A. A. Raymond, Chicago;
W. A. Muller, Pa.; F. R. Weeks, Hous-
ton; John Hopains. Dallas; Wm. Wae-
forth, New York; E. A. Steel, Chicago;
W. It. Gaston. Pittsburg; John L.
Preisman, Kansas City; F. M. Huggins,
Conn.; Chas. J. Stenerwald, Wis.; J. w.
Flanagan and valet, Mexico City; Man-
uel Abanza. Mexico; w. C. Matimore,
Mexico; Geo. D. Woodson, St. Louis'
I). E. Brown, Richmond. Va.; Mrs. J*
TL Collard and daughter. Mondona
Mex.: Albert Magnus, Chicago; W. H
Gleason, Indianapolis; Ben Thorp, Chi-
cago; A. Zirkman. Pa.
■ ,

The San Antonio Daily Express (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.