The San Diego Sun from San Diego, California (2024)

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tuksday jtot it THE SAN DIEGAN SUH AKE DOINGS Of ptoosphohtoCeBt vem tfed 1 2 wm teii Mvk omwttUwhiuKk fat routbw th Is obliged 21 Ml TT CENTRAL MRS THAW AND EW NATIONAL PARTY TO LY HEARSTSKITE NW STRIKE to CROWN PRINCE IS HUSKY YOUNGSTER NAY GRANT A SWEEPING INJUNCTION Bqarsthe or WATCHES TAKE CASK TO CHICAGO Made in San Diego lumpHred totMUng two watch swvesssnta Uii we TO 'AHivM'nk WiiiiiTnimt Bregtet hairsprtig and Adjusted to peel iMiarotevwwKAmM TU YMMNlMaMaMWV MVWMOlW gt up to A marrtage itaenae wag granted Tuesday to NtcholM VIJond ad yvwa and Bthal Colette yware both at Escondido the case at Thaw remain to be 'di aloaed The defense will ba tasanity emotional or'oftorwlat nl the case ot Twa the penalty tx Aaaaetattoa) laly A warn effort as aanare tor this rity Mate convention at tofen tno taagtoficvix It The atarty bra vens aim a hmcb at the homli of Km 'McKto ale whor* she Uvea the repertoes ba tin to arrive but they rarely set more than a sttmsaa at her at the wlnAow Part of her afternoon ar span la prspiwlng memoranda tor the defense Sb doe not go out to tb renJag STRENUOUS' ORCES SALVA 'DOR DEPARTING GUATEMALA LOSSES oae to eandl totaMtKVto'rnanoeertton win probably Srom Another rurio te tut uxkhw wnam tinderiM to (By Scrirpe New Association) BAN RANCISCO July The bearing of th apiRtoauon for injunc tion by Hammond Lumber eompany restraining sailor from Interfering in any manner with th non union area at Ha waste era conetudeS today The court intimated that it would grant an injunction which would be sweeping la ita effort newndlxHiRor Sua platorty liKiesalb ma animal are rwubfffeh fet 'fto public at all ut tRUMub ar snore at lol to answer amaStau ta the after 'ta Otot 'MuruMm N'Mictosi at Berkeley university ilMb ejnoesd and them auarhed igwa th tern daily wgto gtatwt Prrrertr he WM en geswawmi survey ear rwn and evening to vend regimen tal organlrSttoDa of thl city and eev eral othw aaatem Citiee wlU hold re unkm tent today and many will take sort ta lk vartowi Athletic and sld Jtbt Three Days for buying South Park Lots at Special Prices Sale ends riday See Bartlett Estate ad on page 7 of this paper Lfena to th cMtecSon a term iMd at 'MiUcwrtatM 'WW band near XnAe foranrh MnHusita laMaff et th aottaeUon ar to lllhe anil I MiHna knav ijto yaawmwd a rmtagimii toad rtiart wrenoMN rai rna gg to Th only ray of Hght in Mm Harry lit day by day th taw moment 1 alkwd to alt In her huaband' in the Tombe prlaMt Immediately after her lonely breakfaat her automobile bear her away to the Jail account or the ReRef and Comfort of a Tred Walking World ot th prlaun to wait 1n th anteroom for some time Tho meeting of husband and wife io always affectionate and Mrs Thaw i always tearful whan ahe i obliged to leave yutn the prison aha liurriea to her lawyers otBoa where a consultation follows After (By Scripts News Adsotiatioa) BROOKLYN Ym July The batUeehlp MaMachiwette now al th navy yard in thia city will have an entirely new boiler plant tnrtaUod This work together with rimllar to stattatlona on board the eewlaer Now York now at the Borton navy yard will eost th government 110000 Bld for the boiler which will be at th water tub type will be opened tn the bureau ot aupplie Mai acoounto kvY department "Washington on th last day of thia month 41 3o3 (By toripp Newt Amorietlon) PORTLAND July Th Portland railway tMi morning rejected th 'ul timatum of street car employe de manding rveognkkm of th union and increased wages also th abolition ot th photographic system of Identld jind the reinstatement of dis charged man The 'men will vote 'to night on a proposed' strike SmRarity of the Case to Story hi Emms Move! "Tess the AWtftbMefttMeAoftrAs mgttsSMKSs A DAY IN THE SADDENED Vw tv IVEIYIWSBIT THAW BBEHESI IGHTIHG oeMandkstJCtnMM netter MunjfoffteM gdrMtaerdL NotXakcotic SOCIAL BVENTfl 'Th ehMren'i party Saturday even ing ws largely aireMad and vu Isugbabl I th trema Alt aortand non illon of chMrem were tm WwtUri end oMtoM games Mtea ts engaged tn Thera will a1" other dunce Tireaday evanlbg The odsl club entertained Ma day ih Bentlemeet Mrt Well eoJ the Mlwwe JaM'and MIR wets th bteUwe th Wventfig Bperial in lla Uon war1' Mint te tto prufeaeovnd litologlrel oody A large tluMtof ina tawiit and a grd war the genarel eipreMton The sudden tooth of Mlea Thallerrttoy night bock to La Jti community MIm bullet had bean cnnfliosd Wtof hwne for many manto hot II wC Thought sh tie riouriy Ul The mends lb family lisv the derpctympthy of La JoUa Iriento tir Mime and family are rUd'klM io Betmcnt cottage for a taw wewkg Stay la La Jolla In many ot It feature the Thaw White tragedy bears a resemblance to Novelelst Thus Hardy notaMe story ot the Only Tese avenged her own wrongs Instead ot leaving that disagreeable taak to bar husband In Hardy's story Teg as a young girl Ml Into the clutches of Alec D'Ur bervllle He a heartless brute but' gained 'great Infliiince over here in' later day after vacaplng from she MU In love' with An gel Claire When time of their marriage drew near ste triad to tell Claire of the suffered On the night of their' "Wedding he learned that her note to Claire had not reached him Then she revealed the story of her past Claire Immediately abandoned her and left th country inally he returned with the Inten tion ot taking her back a hi wife He found that she again th power of ITUrbervin Then It waa that 1 sought release from her fascination and vengeance for her wrenw by atab blng DTrbervIlle to death Hardy brings out strongly In hl etory the point that as long as Alto Hved sh could not be sure that she would suc ceed tn keeping nut of his clutches There was the danger that' he would ruin her future as he had her past and she removed the danger without thought of the coneequencee She was forgiven by Claire What th consequence will "be In (By toripps News Association) CLKVKLAND July 17DUlrict Al torviey Hulltvaa baa lmed a state ment rnybig that he and Moody In New Turk reviewed th evMenc ob tained tore and concluded Ito trti nwney fixed lurladk tlan elsewhere He eald Ito alierney general had directed Mm to tak up the rase against th Btabdard la Chicago SMirted by th dleuuA attoray there and stieeM counsel Bverr day brings ths publication of Interview with men ot th old partis atio declare allegiance to th league Many such declaration are by men who have been honored with offtoe by the old parties a large major ity of these converts are Democrats there is a liberal sprinkling of Kapuls tlcana Taa of ths big newspapers in Buf falo make a specialty oc digging news an interviews i favorable Hearst and the lesofoA Declaratletis of own prominent the ranks of organised labor are pedaliy welcomed I TJnton labor probably the strongest and moat avail able source of strength in th oointon ot leagu booenere Branches of th league ar being or ganised tn every part iif th state Literature to circulated by mall and by han wtth ths utmost freedom Headquarter are established and Ito rnonding up of members I prosecuted nvteiost1casil' There Is apparently fUuiitj ef money Tto platform of the league rails for munlclpel ownership ballot reform di rect nondMtlre of andltots by the people Instead at the convention plant just railroad rates good roadav pure food lews recognition of labor unions protection of httltlinaie capital but the dwtructluti of criminal trusts rreulstion of mewrance rompantes and other hnamfai orgiuilxatloos sand the rto ttoa of: L'ultad Ittalaa aeuator by the people 1 is a pamphlet that alien Hearst ran tor mate be 'care vied Brooklyn tot test eto Bowery I order to get their ticket on the officialUte beltot the hmguers HI tov to me a petition bearing at least ivte name They say they win have a pctitloa with fM names gt to tto state fair in August One muvemvuX nr Sr I retne T1 w6' na CELEBRATING "S1IIIW Mr Special Correspondence to tto Bun NRW York July There is ghastly irony in tto frothy frtvlieus lines ot th stow on th "Madison garden root Harry Thaw chose an approprate envlronmeut 4w thUrder ot Btknford Whit Tto play to 'entitled Champagne Musical Bubble in Two" Bottles II la" supposed to rep resent tto gay life Mum picked 'at random' freen th play bow aeem to have lose tbdr hu mor and to hare become a grotesque mockery Here are souto' od the: most glaring example: Tto Ent song aa Ta en titled th wlL perreyor to degrad ed taste" say on comedian my toe la abmewtore a broken Bong "Marriage I the only thing1 that will (By gorlcpa New AasseiaUca) CITY MKXICO July dls pstoh" received here from" Sa Sal vador states' that th hardest OgMlag Is th history of Centre! America 1 1 jXOCTMUU Although Guatemala' foroM were three time the slie of those ot Sal vador ths latter has area every battle Salvador to loat about IM killed and 11M eroundsd and Guatemalatout MW killed and MM wounded open your "I love you whether you are married or not" I thy name' ta "Are you one of the original Kioto dore six hundred "Here's 1s where I forget my wife and all my other troubles" "My little girl they say old men'are the woret" should Tike to fascinate Song "I could love a million Song five minutes before Thaw turned his murderous weapon upon the notor ious detpoller ot young women J'Here eomee the villlan" challenge you to a duel let It be It was Immediately after this line had been altered by Comedian Harry Short (Bat th audience' wag thrown Into a panic by the sound of a pistol shot from the rear and Stand ford Whit fell dead 'tff t'Miunctng winkling mar ttwl'Wktei briartak bmmv wsw'apertnren to the Wth are SaMbl 'Qw Mrt at tlaturday perinwM of young and apWtar crab PORTLAND STREET CARMENMAY TRIED TO KILL 9 GRAND DUKE VLADIMIR te (J (By Reripp New Association) 3 i BERLIN July Grand 9 Duke Vtadtater wkto en routed 9 Pari was aboard a train Which was wewtod with Ito wldcat ln unties at kUtaag ton ip Th duk swaa not In jure SHOW A ONG BACKGROUND TO WHITE MURDER Bse MtttteM WRh llttW tbtatok til mi'DrfMnr tn tunnm a full state (By tcrl pre News Association1) WABHINtlTON Jslf 'Santiago Day" being the annlrereary ot the enrreedrr of tto Bpautafa army under Gengral Torsi end th fall Santiago is oetebraled today by tto veteran a ot the Hpantah AMsruiaA war throughout tli country Tto United Spanish War veteran of Ute District of Co lumbia te eombinatton with th dis trict brebrti at the Boctaty at the Army of Hwattago de Cube tto sur vivor of th irst Ustriet at Colum bia Volantrer Infantry these of ito tortk United States Volunteer regi ment of Immune and other veterans of the Spanish A merlato War will oet staste the day by aa touting and ath tod hot in those time developed a jue tlfioatlon' for murder Oommltted on ao oc*nt ot indirect wrongs whiqh 1 much the custom in modem daya and they did not examine so cloaely into the mental condition of tboee who corhmlttad tnurder So Tee paid the penalty with her life even thopgh the story wins for her th sympathy ot the reader NEW 'BO1LNR8 'OR WARhHXPK 1 9 The Kind You Have Always socim Wa Democrat IM Demo will have the took Mining him or their candidate toneleesly iteelerie before' the Tace 1 begun imam SMMnlmreW 'th tea rue hare 'h rntre tMt the lxmm rHH win a nevur m'an 1 It WW tank tiMr4tera thc rote 'shedJ raw re to uu ngnt tud appear to' to tee Important 'with ftoi ituera They hate iteter area mi tiw maidrecy Mdlfiat forte nam al 'the': Democratic national 'stostoMm'te'NM (to did twt gat IL ktU" to muttered Sbouj JW mayor erg Bne mvisu was ths Tndrpendsot rwi tag boreed wv" tto otat SiinntoirlN Wha rafyvtvfa*gtoagTrt itivtee Kew York rtly MP iji "Wa ee harirlml tewsnerabip shttos boars tone eg the totovt mil to strong nwvvtiu i nmsura vsrw as an urae TJmrtd' ean under an absolute ruarantee and refund the prios lf Die person attar using It la not satisfied tefth esultgi "jjl StLUNG AGENTS cmm vxen Olaf is eeid to be the most nooalar ebM I Norway Is racivd with every evtdrnce of delight 'by the people wtonever to ap peere on tto surseto ot Christiane Tto little aun ot Maakim STd Queen Maud 1 a a nut toon at King Sdsard ot anffland Me la a toakhy yvuagstec and ssarkiagA hte future taibjecta ptaaMd With Tto prespecta' before Tbena ro IM LIE Of Of 1IIE SEA AT Trit KtLOGTETt COLLECTING 1 31 4 Phy EnviroHmeit and Depicted the Gay Lif Which Principals of the Tragedy Moved 5 9 5 5 CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children or Over Thirty Years CASTOBU WBsen ot New York Is expoei! a A aemeami VBI rtPPIWk The erniva conrert given at th as Ortbty heli wee Mst endurable and teoroughU owi wore eo forieneic as to to present '2 sfe Hr Wt' tau" ua MEr 1 4 1 iirt Hi i ip 1 KBS Lt 2 it I 'u" ifl 1 I I rt 1 I grow rttTprr3sa Ifernh nx bJv lor I SrT JUror Auto 11 I MiMtlife' iKl ii fTXT MiUM Ul I 1 XQD L1 A 1 MMWtel 1B XErfV'l'QjiC TMfMtfc'WWEErafl wf 9 "to iiarrrA nC MMgtoE XT IWRKwssJ A Ev J3Kb4vfV st A 4 ww jfW'TArWT Qj 'aXIrftfl i A J52f A Xsr QaaS ilETr KBiZf at 1 pv k' 1 I YBk9ivkIf Tk wJKrn rr A I IKMJSr bimw garagi wc i full taser spertas ot Beh tto Wnta1lta1'BO'i tuul pcWNr Ewr wedtee ot Emendor' Tbes hi "mJ i T1 4 1 A lfyy iKmnu IftBaessia HEABST wortWUh mde PtfclMyicosMng afctr IWasiM Ej 04 1 Bomx I "Il a and vaMtw "'t ORGET YOUR EET ros mu at au soon caueeurs KtTHtad'ita Ate'be teMBinated Is )' WltONsWUita tbe with their IT! Ji 4 xi "A oS 3 ZJfltV ci MA Asow KHMtabi nettamal party gs 3' I 5 01 '7 4 uvir 1 ah wV kMivr 5a ov 'Bww jH "mV 11 IB VI 11 HhSLa sJ a rw fu Mr 1 4r dPwWBW bMMWhsf '11 'i Jte A '4' 7 wraraMrrite a Kl tom Wa1 tom 'W 'M dWp jW'lUMi'UiWl wnw imp mw Ba eaiid pul swvwsd eetiuaas' tbe wheels are soUd goM: they tors IBK: taipru Tr pttb moitd gsM mswws tU tfigtaibrtofaua 'Back movement has 17S ffilfersut pteeee asmyte nil and dtatinrt weWtana The totaneo wheel matoo 1K watch Mode firing rsosemher tee os msluuea We erg wo met Ctaa JPS '4s3cf 'j2Ep 'Sb? 'tkji Jiii 7 1 a 41 Tr xSiWlwa4f I WI tfSuu to AZ ULZ iajJTiM mu fe if MKWMii I gl HUnNjtuKn 1B KUhI JwsESSMWVxsn HnsZKaZB 1HLX 1 i gtegRIkffMICVI A WrjWMPtoTO nwrai Ob SKMM 'Wvv I rj JlHre Ziiafo 1 AtwlMt feinbty I nAliii iuiiHWw WW'v twK lifaiti I XHW 5 oil i5.

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The San Diego Sun from San Diego, California (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.